Cybersecurity solution
InprOTech belongs to the Inprosec group, being a company dedicated to cybersecurity in industrial environments. Security incidents that cause stoppages in the production process, loss or leakage of information are new challenges and needs in which InprOTech can help you. We have an specialized service: Inprotech Guardian for your factories.

The Company
InprOTech was founded in November 2017, it was born as a spin-out of its parent company Inprosec, which has 10 years of specialized experience in the field of Information Security, SAP Security and SAP GRC. InprOTech was born as the industrial cybersecurity division, focusing its main activity on R + D + i.
InprOTech Guardian
Our InprOTech Guardian service is a comprehensive solution based on proprietary technology for the detection of threats in the factory network.
InprOTech Guardian can monitor the security status of the factory in real time, analyze vulnerabilities, discover assets on the network, periodically send security indicators, manage security alerts among many other functionalities.
Industrial Cibersecurity News
Honeypot: New threat detection functionality of InprOTech Guardian
Industrial Honeypots: Know Your Enemy
MiTM attacks: what they are and how to protect yourself
FAQ’s on Industrial Cibersecurity
OT security is vital as it protects industrial and critical infrastructure systems against cyberattacks that can cause serious and costly disruptions in production, essential services to the population, physical harm to employees, and even risks to human safety.
All productive and industrial sectors that may require strategic security services, technical support, training, or cybersecurity protection for their OT infrastructure (food, manufacturing, logistics, transportation, energy, automotive…).
Ideally, you should conduct a risk audit from technical, procedural, and regulatory perspectives to determine your starting point. From there, we offer advice to adequately protect your company based on cost/benefit analysis, without trying to sell services or solutions unnecessarily.
We have years of experience in the sector, excellent client reviews, and a high degree of project customization, as well as specialization in industry and OT environments. Additionally, we use 100% local technology.
The regulatory framework affecting companies with industrial production is extensive. To mention some that might apply, we can indicate ISO 27001, National Security Framework, TISAX, NIST CSF, NIS2, or ISA/IEC 624423.