UncategorizedWhat our customers think of InprOTech in 2024December 5, 2024question_answer0One of the essential values of our company is customer orientation. For this reason, we consider it essential to know…
UncategorizedMarch 7, 2024question_answer0One of our company’s most significant success stories has been the development and deployment of InprOTech Guardian, an anomaly detection…
TechpapersUncategorizedOT NIST SP 800-82: introduction and 3rd revisionNovember 2, 2023question_answer0The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce. It was…
UncategorizedInprOTech Human Capital: Óscar IglesiasOctober 19, 2023question_answer0Today at InprOTech Human Capital we introduce you to Oscar Iglesias, Product Owner & Solutions Architect at InprOTech. How did…
TechpapersTechpapersUncategorizedGIT in InprOTech GuardianMay 15, 2023question_answer0Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes to a project’s source code. It was created by…
UncategorizedINPROTECH HUMAN CAPITAL: IBÁN MORILLOMarch 22, 2023question_answer0Today at InprOTech Human Capital we introduce you to Ibán Morillo, manager of InprOTech. WHAT IS YOUR ROLE WITHIN INPROSEC?…
EventosUncategorizedGraduation of the Montecastelo Centre: a benchmark in cybersecurityMarch 22, 2023question_answer0On March 16 at 19:30, the graduation ceremony of Middle and Higher Degrees of the Montescastelo center was held at…
GrantsNewsNewsUncategorizedINNOTWIN PROJECT, CONCLUSIONS, FIRST MILESTONE AND RESULTS.September 21, 2022question_answer0INNOTWIN PROJECT, CONCLUSIONS, FIRST MILESTONE AND RESULTS. In October 2021 we started this project which is co-financed by the Spanish…
AcknowledgmentsUncategorizedInterview in AUTOREVISTAJune 29, 2022question_answer0This month we have had the honor of being interviewed by “Autorevista”, a professional magazine about the automotive industry, pioneer…