Custom OT Device Inventory in Guardian


The core of any network, whether IT or OT, lies in the devices that comprise it. For this reason, it is crucial to have optimal organization and classification that allow for effective maintenance of the infrastructure. At InprOTech Guardian, we have taken a step forward in the management and classification of devices in OT networks, offering users the ability to fully customize the data and fields associated with each device, allowing for a non-rigid and personalized structure, not only at a global inventory level but also node by node.

This functionality offers a user experience more tailored to the user’s needs, enabling them to customize the classification and management of devices within their infrastructure in a flexible and efficient manner.

Why InprOTech Guardian?

InprOTech Guardian is a cybersecurity tool designed and developed for industrial networks. Its main function is to monitor the traffic generated by the factory and analyze it based on a combination of strategies, from which alerts can be deployed directly to plant managers and/or operators or the SIEM, to mitigate any attack or anomaly that may be occurring in the network. InprOTech Guardian also allows for the monitoring and classification of the different devices involved in the network, whether wired, WiFi, or Bluetooth.


Customized Field

To customize the classification and organization of devices, InprOTech Guardian has implemented a new field “Customized Field,” which allows, in a completely independent manner, the addition of different attributes in key-value form for those devices where the maintenance manager possesses additional or relevant information for their management.

Some capabilities provided by this field include:

  1. Advanced Customization: Users can add specific attributes to each device according to their needs, providing more detailed and tailored customization for specific use cases.
  2. Expansion of Data Schema: The key-value structure allows for dynamic expansion of the data model, without the need to modify the database schema.
  3. Storage of Contextual Metadata: Users can store relevant contextual metadata, such as configurations, states, or temporary properties that enhance the management and analysis of the devices.
  4. Dynamic Search and Filters: New search and filtering mechanisms are implemented to allow users to explore the customized data more efficiently.



At InprOTech Guardian, we work to simplify the management of device information as much as possible. For this reason, we have implemented a key-value model to describe customized attributes. This approach provides users with two flexible ways to input data:

  1. JSON Format: JSON is a standard format for defining dictionaries or key-value pairs, facilitating the efficient assignment and management of values, allowing for the quick location of keys to access the corresponding data. In this way, the user can directly extract a text in JSON format from any other data system and input it, or do it manually if they prefer.
  2. Key|Value Format: For those not familiar with the JSON format, the solution has been equipped with the ability to input data in a much simpler way, by entering keys and values concatenated in a simple CSV file.



The implementation of a user-customizable field provides:

    1. Flexibility and Customization: It allows users to add specific information that was not considered in the initial database design. Users can capture customized data without needing to modify the structure each time a new requirement or need arises.
    2. Scalability: This approach facilitates scalability as it allows new data to be added without altering the schema, thus allowing for greater adaptation.


At InprOTech Guardian, we have implemented functionality that allows users to manage device information easily and flexibly through a key-value model. This approach enables advanced customization of the industrial asset inventory, facilitating adaptation to specific needs without modifying the database schema. 

Users can define and store additional attributes, providing more comprehensive management tailored to their requirements. This capability ensures that relevant information is centralized and easily accessible, improving efficiency in device administration.




[2] JSON – JavaScript | MDN 

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