Graduation of the Montecastelo Centre: a benchmark in cybersecurity


On March 16 at 19:30, the graduation ceremony of Middle and Higher Degrees of the Montescastelo center was held at the Mar de Vigo auditorium. Iago Fortes, CEO, Karina Basalo, KAM, Ibán Morillo, Manager of Inprotech and Margarita Ramos, Director of Human Capital, attended the event.

The Professional Training Center Montecastelo seeks to become a reference in training related to the cybersecurity sector through the new Master FP of Computer Cybersecurity and Industrial Cybersecurity and Digitization of Industrial Maintenance which can be requested from its website.

On the occasion of this commitment to training in Cybersecurity, Iago Fortes was chosen to present a master class on Industrial Cybersecurity in which some interesting points were touched. During his lecture, Iago highlighted some of the most recent cyber-attacks that caused the most controversy in the world, exemplifying the importance of the field of cybersecurity in a world that is increasingly computerized and submissive to technology. Some of the examples referred to cases in our country, such as the cyberattack perpetuated on the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona.

The world economic forum highlights that in 2021 cyber-attacks and cybersecurity failures are problems that hit harder at a global level, being in fourth and sixth place respectively in the table of global risks. For this reason, he stressed the specialization and differentiation between IT and OT, explaining their different levels and networks. He then reviewed the threats that have boosted cybersecurity in recent years. He gave examples of cases such as Slammer, the famous worm that wreaked havoc on the Internet in a matter of minutes, Sobig, another of the fastest spreading worms in living memory, Sasser, the virus created by a teenager in 2004, and Conficker, the one that wreaked havoc on Windows in 2008.

The event was attended by various authorities:

  • José Manuel Lago, Director of Montecastelo.
  • Abel Caballero, Mayor of Vigo.
  • David Regades, delegate of Zona Franca.
  • César Pérez Ares, Territorial Head of the Department of Education.
  • Roberto Cavallo, President of CEAGA.
  • Jorge Cebreiros, President of CEP.
  • Roberto Ríos, Deputy Director of ASVT of Montecastelo.
  • Miguel Hernández Montes, Head of Pontevedra Inspection of the Department of Education.
  • Ángel Rivas González, Councilman of Parks and Gardens of the City Council of Vigo.
  • Gorka Gómez Díaz, Councilman of Education and Deputy of Sports.
  • Manuel Rodríguez Vázquez, President of the Círculo de Empresarios.
  • Jorge Cebreiros Arce, President of the CEDP.
  • José García Costas, President of the Vigo Chamber of Commerce.

In short, the evening was marked by its main protagonists: the students, who graduated and now have the task of launching themselves into the labor market. The event welcomed us as one more, giving much space and importance to cybersecurity. Some students even approached us to ask questions about the subject, inspired by Iago’s words. For his part, the Mayor, Abel Caballero, stressed the importance of Vigo as one of the regions that most welcomes its students as workers once they start their transition to the working world.

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