MINDTECH 2023 Summary


On the past days of June 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2023, we attended the fourth edition of Mindtech, the “Metal Industry and Technologies International Trade Fair” organized by ASIME, at the Vigo Trade Fair Center (IFEVI). On behalf of the InprOTech team, Marcos Casal, Iban Morillo, Karina Basalo, Guillermo Álvarez, and Jaime Souto participated as exhibitors, presenting the latest innovations in the field of Industrial Cybersecurity with Guardian and our SANTI 2.0 technology.


Prominent authorities attended the event, emphasizing in their speeches the potential of the Galician industry, new technologies, and the importance of information networks that demand digital transformation. Particularly in the industrial sector and specifically in the metal sector and its associated technologies, which represent 20% of Galicia’s GDP and 42% of industrial employment in Galicia.

During our visit, we had the opportunity to visit the “Speaker’s Corner,” where we heard the experiences and proposals of some of the protagonists of the international, national, and Galician industry. For example, we attended the talk by Carlos Merello, Product Manager at GISE in Carburos Metálicos, who explained how their real-time operations manager works: an MES-MOM platform. He showed us the manufacturing data capture, KPI calculation, and quality controls in the mentioned MES-MOM platform, deployed in a scenario representing a real factory.

We also highlight the talk by José Rodríguez, Marketing and Business Development Director at ASM Soft, who told us about the “Efficient Ship,” a pilot project for improving efficiency in freezer vessels, and the “Digital Ship”, an enhancement in digitization and connectivity in fishing vessels of OPPC3. José emphasized that the main objective of the first project is to promote a more sustainable fishing sector through the development and validation of an intelligent energy efficiency management system on vessels with refrigeration facilities on board, allowing monitoring, control, and decision-making from land. In the Digital Ship project, José highlighted the importance given to seeking increased sustainability and efficiency while improving the living conditions on board for the crew, through improvements in access to Wi-Fi on the ship so that the crew can easily communicate with their families.

In addition, taking advantage of the event’s circumstances, we were able to learn about the latest developments from some of our clients and partners, as well as establish new relationships with other companies and colleagues in the sector. Everyone agrees that cybersecurity is an increasingly urgent need given the rise in cases of cyberattacks that cause significant damage to companies in the sector. Especially now, with the advancement of Industry 4.0, the implementation of 5G networks, and the ongoing digitalization/automation of many manufacturing processes.

We would like to express our gratitude to the ASIME organization for the opportunity to make ourselves known in such an important space, as well as to our fellow exhibitors.

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