What our customers think of InprOTech in 2024


One of the essential values of our company is customer orientation. For this reason, we consider it essential to know the opinion and degree of satisfaction with respect to our services.

That is why we have once again conducted our anonymous survey project, allowing us to once again identify areas for improvement, tailor our solutions to your needs and ensure that all expectations are met.

The following is a summary of some interesting points from the results obtained:

Level of satisfaction

In terms of overall satisfaction, customers were asked to rate how satisfied they felt with the value received from Inprosec, with 1 being “not at all satisfied” and 10 being “very satisfied”.

A score of 9.83 was obtained, an outstanding result.

In addition, measuring satisfaction specifically, customers were asked to rate their satisfaction with the following aspects of the company:

  1. Efficiency in problem solving
  2. Fulfillment of expectations.
  3. Accessibility and technical capacity of the team.
  4. Quality/price ratio.
  5. Range of services according to your needs.

The average score achieved in 2024 was 4.7 out of 5 points, the highest so far, improving on previous years’ scores by a considerable margin.


Likelihood of being recommended

We also evaluated the probabilities that we could be recommended to a partner/acquaintance, through the Net Promoter Score (NPS) tool, calculating the result by subtracting the percentage of promoters (scores 9 and 10) minus the percentage of detractors (scores 1-6)

The result obtained was 83, which is considered excellent, being the best result obtained by the company to date (63 in 2023, 60 in 2022 and 64 in 2021). The average for the technology sector is 40 points.

The improvements observed in all areas reflect not only the trust our customers place in us, but also the positive impact of our actions. With this, we confirm our growth year after year and reaffirm InprOTech’s commitment to offer the highest quality service.

During the next year 2025 we will carry out this project again in order to continue to be aware of the needs and points of improvement, as well as new challenges that our customers present to us.

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