AcknowledgmentsWhat customers say about InprOTech in 2024December 5, 2024question_answer0One of our company’s core values is customer orientation. Therefore, we consider it essential to understand our clients’ opinions and…
AcknowledgmentsWhat our customers think of InprOTech in 2024December 5, 2024question_answer0One of the essential values of our company is customer orientation. For this reason, we consider it essential to know…
R&DPOSEIDON presentationNovember 19, 2024question_answer0InprOTech is pleased to announce that, together with Tecdesoft and promoted by INCIBE, we are part of the POSEIDON project.…
GuardianTechpapersVulnerability scanner in OT networksNovember 5, 2024question_answer0A vulnerability scanner is a piece of software whose role is to make an inventory of assets within a network,…
Events18ENISE 2024 SummaryOctober 28, 2024question_answer0From October 22 to 23, InprOTech took part in the eighteenth edition of the International Meeting of Information Security (ENISE)…
GuardianTechpapersCustom OT Device Inventory in GuardianOctober 17, 2024question_answer0The core of any network, whether IT or OT, lies in the devices that comprise it. For this reason, it…
EventsConxemar 2024 summaryOctober 8, 2024question_answer0This year, our company had the pleasure of once again attending the International Frozen Seafood Products Fair (Conxemar), held from…
UncategorizedWebinar Summary: Maximum OT Protection with InprOTech GuardianJune 25, 2024question_answer0On June 18th, we had the pleasure of hosting a joint webinar with One Identity, where we explored the integration…
EventsDIHGIGAL SUMMARY 2024June 4, 2024question_answer0On May 28th, the “Cyberindustry” cybersecurity workshop took place, organized by DIHGIGAL at Attica 21 in Samil, Vigo. At this…
R&DSANTI, a project for the implementation of an industrial cybersecurity system developed by CEAGAMay 13, 2024question_answer0SANTI (Security Analysis of Network Threats for Industry) is an industrial cybersecurity system developed by InprOTech with support from CEAGA…