POSEIDÓN is an innovative unified platform designed to manage the instrumented systems and processes of the Integral Water Cycle while monitoring any related cybersecurity events.

Two key areas converge in this solution: the supervision, control, and operation of all water sector assets and the cybersecurity monitoring of the associated information flows.

The platform allows the collection and analysis of relevant data from processes and communication networks. Through dynamic rules based on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, complemented by the static rules inherent to any monitoring system, POSEIDÓN optimizes its ability to detect potential attacks. Its capacity to identify anomalous patterns and typical behaviors associated with specific events makes it a key tool for prevention, ensuring the integrity of essential parameters for the proper functioning of such a vital resource as water.

POSEIDÓN marks a milestone in the integration of cybersecurity within operational functionalities. It is capable of analyzing information flows and scenarios across various operational contexts, evaluating not only communications but also the actual process values. This enables the anticipation of potential cybersecurity incidents by correlating critical situations detected through deviations in physical or chemical parameters at any point within the water distribution network.

Project: “POSEIDÓN: Comprehensive and non-intrusive cybersecurity protection platform for water management infrastructures”

  • Start: 01/04/2023
  • End: 31/12/2025
  • Budget: €1,356,862
  • Co-financing: €954,911


The overall goal of INNOTWIN is to develop secure data spaces through the research of advanced technologies, in order to create a new concept of Digital Twin for the Spanish industry, aiming to increase resource efficiency throughout the entire value chain.

This project is co-financed by the Center for Industrial Technological Development of Spain (CDTI) and European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, and it is also supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Support for Innovative Business Groups (AEIs)

SANTI (Security Analysis of Network Threats for Industry) is an industrial cybersecurity system developed by InprOTech with the support of CEAGA and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism through the AEI support line. This software can monitor the cybersecurity of the industrial network and track in real time all threats that might affect factory operations, with the aim of preventing production stoppages.

With the advancement of Industry 4.0 and digitalization, companies in the sector are increasingly exposed to cyber threats, which is why CEAGA has initiated this project to implement and validate an industrial cybersecurity system (Network Threat Security Analysis).
