ViCON 2022 Summary


On April 8 and 9, 2022, ViCON has returned to the Círculo de Empresarios de Vigo, with the aim of strengthening the talent in the field of cybersecurity in Galicia and share experiences among professionals in the sector. If you want to know all the details of ViCON visit their website.

Another year, this time being able to enjoy the presence, the InprOTech team along with some members of Inprosec, attended the event. Among the attendees were: our Managing Director, Ibán Morillo and his Cybersecurity consultant Alba Ramos. Also in attendance were Sofía Castañeda and Antonio Cebreiro as Information Security consultants and Ricardo Veiga, Inprosec’s Key Account Manager.

Our team was looking forward to feel again the warmth of our colleagues in the sector, to share experiences and perhaps future projects. What great news! In such a changing and constantly evolving sector, this kind of events are key to continue with the growth and that all workers are up to date with the latest trends.

VICON 2022

This year’s edition has become a regional benchmark in the field of information security, becoming a complete success thanks to the excellent reviews received from attendees, sponsors and speakers.

Attendees were able to attend numerous presentations on a variety of current topics in the world of cybersecurity. From virtual worlds and VR, creation of an undetectable Keylogger, to the use of regulatory frameworks to increase quality controls, to the most common mistakes in forensic practice that can lead to losing a case in court.

All this has been possible thanks to top level experts who have been the protagonists of different lectures and activities:


On the first day of the event we would like to highlight the following presentations:

  • READY HACKER ONE: during the talk, Antonio Pérez and Álvaro Villaverde Prado, showed us the world of virtual reality glasses, as a method to immerse ourselves in digital environments, as soon as we manage to unlock their full potential.
  • CYBER WARGAMES, THE BLUES OF THE NINJA: Jose Luis Navarro, taught us some techniques of cybersecurity Blueteam, from a proactive and offensive approach.
  • EXFILTRATING DNS INFORMATION “LIKE A BOSS”: during Joel Gámez Molina’s intervention, the advantages and disadvantages of using the DNS protocol in an audit, its automation from scratch and a new way of use never seen before were discussed.
  • F1R3STORM: GAME OVER: this program focused on onion domain data collection, explained by Carlos Loureiro, allows to categorize domains by criminal typologies using Elasticsearch.
  • CTFS FROM ZERO TO “TOP”: IF I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO IT, SO HAVE YOU: Gonzalo Jiménez wanted to share his experience in CTF competitions with the attendees. And he demonstrated how it is a very entertaining way to improve your cybersecurity skills.
  • USING STANDARD FRAMES TO IMPLEMENT QUALITY CONTROLS: the attendees to this talk were made aware by Joaquín Molina on the use of frameworks and standards for defense, beyond certifications.


The second day was also full of really interesting presentations:

  • SANDBOXING FROM THE SOFA: the sandboxing technique is excessively expensive, therefore Alberto R. Rodas explained how through free elements it is possible to dynamically analyze potential malware, from any device.
  • FORENSIC COMPUTING: THE 404 ERROR: Ruth Sala Ordóñez showed us what can be the errors in forensic practice that can lead to losing a case in court.
  • CREATING A TOTALLY INDETECTABLE KEYLOGGER FOR FUN &… PROFIT?: cybercriminals are increasingly using more imaginative and diverse techniques, where many basic EDR and IDPS fail to reach. Bernardo Viqueira Hierro, showed us one of these methods, stealing the keystrokes of visitors to any website.
  • DIY HEALTH: a very different presentation to the rest, in which David Meléndez, showed us several cases where lateral thinking was the key to survival. He also taught us how to make our own IoT electrocardiograph, the techniques used for signal processing, as well as its potential application in cybersecurity, diagnosis of diseases and mood.
  • RADIOJAMMING: THE “NOISE” WAR: David Marugá, exposed real cases of radio signal analysis related to intentional interference focused on communication censorship in countries such as Cuba or China.
  • TELCO WALK OF LIFE: PRACTICAL ATTACKS ON 5G NETWORKS: in the last presentation Pedro Cabrera and Miguel Gallego shared the results of their research on IMSI Catching attacks on 5G networks (NSA and SA) and denial of service attacks on the 4G and 5G access layer.

Finally, we would like to highlight the presence of the Mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, at the welcoming ceremony.

To conclude we would like to comment that the event has managed to give visibility to the professionals of the sector in the Galician territory and the work they carry out, while putting them in contact with professionals from other parts of the Spanish geography. This is why the networking obtained in the sessions has been very productive for all parties, thanks to the enormous talent and efficiency in the information shared.

We are looking forward to ViCON 2023!

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