
Last May 4th, we had the honor of attending the Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation Workshop organized by DIHGIGAL and SIEMENS held in the Auditorium of the FEUGA building. The objective of this workshop was to highlight the importance of cybersecurity in today’s industrial environments and its evolution for the factories of the future.

Our CEO Iago Fortes and our Managing Director Ibán Morillo had the opportunity to give a presentation on Cybersecurity in the Auto sector and other industries, which was also attended by our KAM Ricardo Veiga. During the presentation, we were able to discuss the latest security threats and developments in the cyber world under the slogan “The factory can not stop“, we were able to explain how we help companies to maintain reliable and sustainable security levels over time. In particular, we explained the functionalities of InprOTech Guardian, our system capable of building the network map of a factory in real time, checking the weak points through which an attacker can enter the network, as well as alerting of possible risks.

During the day there have been several presentations of interest that have highlighted the importance and growing sensitivity to industrial cybersecurity. Companies are aware that digital transformation must be secure in order to deliver the expected results. The day has been very enriching and we would like to highlight the opinions of great professionals in the sector, with companies and associations such as Siemens, Abanca, Universidade de Vigo, Tecdesoft, Muutech and Vodafone.

As always, it is a pleasure to be able to meet and disseminate new trends with our community.

We look forward to the next workshop!

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